CompTIA A+ Certification exams test you on a large amount of hardware knowledge. One of the most rewarding experiences you can have in IT is the satisfaction of building your first computer. Few things are so intimidating and yet so simple. Building a desktop computer is an exhilarating way to familiarize yourself with hardware and components. The muscle memory and time-intensive process teaches you in a way that reading and watching just can’t. Building a desktop helps clarify what the RAM, HDD, SSD, GPU, CPU, MOBO and a host of other acronyms mean. CompTIA A+ exams have MANY questions covering a large spectrum of hardware and software knowledge that is required at an entry-level Information Technology job. Building a desktop gives you experience in setting up an OS, running through a BIOS, hardware differences, selecting case and motherboard type, and much more. It is a great way to feel confident on exam day, knowing that the hardware portion of the CompTIA exam is not just theory but real world practice.
The CompTIA A+ certification is considered a starting point by many people in the IT field, as it demands no prerequisites, and introduces candidates to a range of fundamental hardware and software disciplines, including PC repair, software and operating systems, desktop support, networking and cyber security. The A+ curriculum even covers basic interpersonal communication skills - a key attribute for enduring success the IT workforce.
A+ study time: 90 days
More Info: a+ jobs near me
The CompTIA A+ certification is considered a starting point by many people in the IT field, as it demands no prerequisites, and introduces candidates to a range of fundamental hardware and software disciplines, including PC repair, software and operating systems, desktop support, networking and cyber security. The A+ curriculum even covers basic interpersonal communication skills - a key attribute for enduring success the IT workforce.
A+ study time: 90 days
More Info: a+ jobs near me
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