Friday, May 8, 2020

Linux and Cybersecurity

Now once you’ve got that basic understanding, keep building on that. Start playing with different distributions of Linux. Start looking at things like Kali Linux. Kali Linux is a great little hacker’s toolkit.

I know some people consider people that use Kali as basically just kind of script kiddies, in other words, people that only really know how to use the pre-made tools. But there are some things that Kali does really well. And I’m not going to sit here and reinvent the wheel when I’ve already got a tool that will do part of the job for me.

A couple of months ago on this podcast, we featured Todd’s speech to members of the TSA, the Technology Student Association, as he shared his journey from tinkering with toys to running an organization that serves the world’s $5 trillion IT industry.

How did Todd grow from Lincoln Logs to leadership, teamwork skills, especially the ability to collaborate across perceived boundaries of age and experience? In this conversation from CompTIA’s ChannelCon, he breaks it down for us.

TODD: Today we have people from baby boomers all the way down beyond millennials in the workforce at the same time. And one of the important things that needs to happen in the tech industry, in particular, is to get a good generational transfer of knowledge because things change, but a lot of things stay the same, too.
History is a good educator, so we need to make sure that people are able to work effectively with people older than them who have different values and different perceptions and that the people at the other end of the scale can work effectively with people who are younger than them, who have different values and different expectations.
More Info: computech a+ certification

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