In order to take the CompTIA A+ certification exams, you’ll need to buy an exam voucher. If your employer, school or training facility do not provide you with one, you can purchase exam vouchers from the CompTIA Store. You’ll use the unique code from your voucher to register for your test, either in-person at Pearson VUE testing center or online. In the United States, the cost is $226 per exam. Remember, you need to take and pass two exams to earn CompTIA A+, so you’ll need two exam vouchers.
This is where ROI comes in. What are your goals? When compared to a college degree, you can earn CompTIA A+ faster and gain the hands-on skills you need to dive right into tech support and start your IT career.
You Can Make More Money
CompTIA A+ sets you on a path of lifelong learning and experience that will give you the opportunity to thrive in your career and achieve your income goals.
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