Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Testing Strategies for CompTIA Exams

CompTIA includes performance-based questions on their exams to make them more practical and keep up with trends in certification testing. Knowing what to expect and how to approach these question types is key to your success in passing the exams. First, let me fill you in on some facts about the exams.

Exam facts:

There are several different types of questions you may see in your CompTIA exam:
Multiple choice – the standard question, choose the right answer
Multiple response – choose all answers that apply with more than one correct answer
Fill in the blank – fill in the answer to the question
Drag-and-drop – image or question where you drag answers to match the image or text
Exhibits – answer questions relating to an attached picture or diagram (variation to multiple choice)
Performance-based – detailed question, open dialog boxes or other configuration windows and configure as needed

CompTIA has added more of the newer drag-and-drop and performance-based questions to their exam pool. You may get as few as 2-3 or as many as 10-12 of these type of questions depending on which exam you are taking. The more of these questions you get, the fewer of the traditional multiple choice, multiple response or exhibit-type questions you will have, depending on the difficulty of the performance-based questions you get.

More Info: jobs for comptia a+

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