While currently experiencing very uncertain times, one thing that has remained certain is the use of internet. Now, more than ever, people all over the world are depending on the web for essential everyday duties. Some employers have been able to keep their doors open by transitioning to working online. However, there is a downfall to this alternative. The recent spike in online activity has led to an increase in cyber security attacks.
Earlier this month, Phoenix TS posted a blog about cloud security. The blog entitled, Head in the Cloud? Time to Face Cyber Security Reality, warns of the risks associated with using cloud. Some of these concerns include cloud advancements, connection problems and a lack of cyber security professionals. Yet, due to mandated social distancing, additional problems are emerging. Cyber attackers are using the COVID-19 epidemic to exploit teleworkers. Last week, Alyza Sebenius and Kartikay Mehrotra collaborated on an article for Bloomberg called, “U.S., U.K. Issue Alert on Growing Use of Covid-themed Hacks.” According to the article, “…phishing emails more than quadrupled over the month of March…” (Mehrotra and Sebenius). The article also cites other malicious activities such as espionage, ransomware, malware, (VPNs), scams and network intrusions. (Mehrotra and Sebenius) The article goes further to explain that the coronavirus has caused an “unprecedented” amount of cyber security challenges. (Mehrotra and Sebenius)
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