Now, candidates should focus on the next important concern for refining the DP-300 exam preparation schedule. You cannot cram up random topics to study for such an important certification exam. Therefore, it is very essential that you find out all the topics covered in the DP-300 Administering Relational Databases on Azure certification exam. When you know about the exam objectives, then you can find out the appropriate learning resources for your preparation. In addition, the knowledge of the weighting of each exam objective can help you organize your preparation schedule. Here are the abilities that the DP-300 exam will test.
Planning and implementation of data platform services
Implementation of a secure environment
Monitoring and optimization of operational resources
Optimization of query performance
Performing automation of tasks
Planning and implementation of a High Availability and Disaster Recovery (HADR) environment
Performing administration through the use of T-SQL
Candidates should now aim at finding the weightage of each domain and the subtopics covered in them. It can improve the confidence of candidates about the difficulty of the path ahead. Let us find out the different subtopics in each domain of the DP-300 certification exam.
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